One of the first things that you will need to know before you attempt to ship your vehicle is the price that a company is going to charge you for the service. This knowledge is important, as the moving budget may change or you may find that this type of service is not going to fit within the budget that you have made. PriceGetting free price quotes from auto transport companies is simple. Simply contact various companies and be prepared to provide them with certain information. This information should include the location as well as the destination, the date that you need the service, the vehicle or vehicles that you need shipped, the services that you would like to hire, and any special accommodations that you might need. By providing this information to a company, you should receive a fairly accurate price estimate for the job. PaymentKnowing how you will be required to pay for the service is another important thing to know when you are shipping your vehicle. Some companies may not take checks while other companies may not deal with cash. You need to know this ahead of time so that you are prepared when the car hauling companies’ truck shows up to load your vehicle. The last thing you need is to waste time because you did not know the company didn’t take personal checks. InsuranceVerify everything in writing, including any insurance coverage that the auto shipper provides to you. You need to have a copy of the policy in hand before you release your vehicle to the company for shipping. This is vital to the safety and health of your vehicle in the event that there is loss or damage. Accidents do happen, and you should be prepared with enough insurance coverage to take care of any problems that might come up along the way. Release and AcceptanceAlways leave the vehicle with an original inspection report when you hand the car over to the company. This report will show the condition of the vehicle as well as any minor or major damage that exists when the vehicle is loaded onto the carrier truck. This same report should be cross referenced when the vehicle is delivered to ensure that no damage occurred in transit. Should any damage be present, be prepared to file a dispute with the company as well as the insurance that you procured before the trip. Be sure to inspect your vehicle carefully upon pick up to make sure that there is no new damage. Informed ChoicesThe best way to ship any car is by making informed decisions. It is important to have enough knowledge so that you do not get taken for a ride by any of the less than honest companies that make it by out there. By knowing these few simple tips, you can avoid many of the problems that are out there in the car shipping industry today. |